CMAA 5028 - Immersive Authoring for World Building and Animation (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6083) 02-SEP-2024 - 06-DEC-2024
Tu 10:30AM - 01:20PM
CMA Lab 3/F, E2ZHANG, Junjie151500 

CMAA 6018A - Independent Study (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
R16 (6466) TBATBAZHANG, Junjie5050 
R20 (6468) TBATBAZHANG, Junjie5050 

CMAA 6101 - Computational Media and Arts Program Seminar I (0 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
T01 (6089) 02-SEP-2024 - 06-DEC-2024
Mo 10:30AM - 11:20AM
CMA Lab 3/F, E2YU, Luwen
ZHANG, Junjie